Black Cat World Tour 2017
James will be touring with Zucchero from April 30th to May 5th, June 16th to August 13th and from September 19th to September 25th.
James will be touring with Zucchero from April 30th to May 5th, June 16th to August 13th and from September 19th to September 25th.
A tribute to the songs of Battisti and Mogol
Teatro Duse, Via Cartoleria 42, 40124 Bologna – www.teatrodusebologna.it
Show time 09:00 pm
Concert with Carmine Da Rosa (drums), Dario Spinelli (bas), Toto Allozzi (keyboards).
“Castello fondente… cioccolatieri all’opera” – www.castellofondente.it